Temp Damper Control Cable Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Temp Damper Control Cable Sub-Assembly (#55907-22060) plays a key role in the Heating & Air Conditioning - Control & Air Duct system within your Toyota vehicle. This electrical auto part is responsible for regulating the temperature within the vehicle by controlling the flow of hot and cold air. The functionality of this part is paramount and when it becomes old or broken, it may fail to regulate the temperature properly which can lead to discomfort and possibly damage to other components in the system. Therefore, periodic replacement is necessary for optimal performance and to avoid potential issues. By opting for genuine Toyota parts, you not only benefit from perfect compatibility with your vehicle but also receive the backing of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Ultimately, the Temp Damper Control Cable Sub-Assembly (#55907-22060) contributes to the overall comfort, efficiency, and safety of your vehicle's internal environment, ensuring a pleasant driving experience every time.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 55907-22060

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