Inner Mirror Camera Assembly

About this product

The Inner Mirror Camera Assembly (#867C0-42010), a vital electrical component in Toyota's Camera & Rear Monitor Display system, plays a crucial role in enhancing visibility and safety. This assembly operates by capturing real-time images and transmitting them to the rear monitor display, thereby assisting the driver during reversing, parking, or in blind spot detection. As time passes, the Inner Mirror Camera Assembly (#867C0-42010) can become prone to wear and tear, potentially reducing the clarity of the images transmitted. This lack of clarity may compromise the overall safety of the vehicle operation, thus reinforcing the need for periodic replacement of this part. Importantly, by choosing a Toyota genuine Inner Mirror Camera Assembly (#867C0-42010), you not only maintain the compatibility with your vehicle but also benefit from Toyota's genuine parts warranty. This assembly significantly contributes to the overall functionality, safety, and efficiency of your Toyota vehicle's Camera & Rear Monitor Display system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 867C0-42010

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