Object Recognition Camera

About this product

The Object Recognition Camera (#86462-62010) is a crucial electrical component within the Pre-Collision System of Toyota vehicles. This camera plays a vital role in detecting and identifying different objects on the road ahead, such as pedestrians, cyclists, other vehicles, and any potential obstacles. By capturing and analyzing visual data, the system can react and take necessary actions to prevent possible accidents. Over time, such a camera can become dirty, lose calibration, or become non-functional. This causes a reduced capability in object recognition, potentially leading to a decreased effectiveness of the Pre-Collision System. Using genuine Toyota parts, including the Object Recognition Camera (#86462-62010), enhances vehicle compatibility and comes with the reassurance of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The camera's operation is integral to the effectiveness and safety of the Pre-Collision System, thereby contributing to the overall safety of the vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 86462-62010

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