Canister Us

About this product

The Canister Us (#SU003-04502), a critical component in Toyota's Fuel Tank & Tube system, plays a vital role in managing fuel vapor emissions. This body part collects and stores fuel vapors from the fuel tank, preventing them from escaping into the atmosphere. Over time, the Canister Us (#SU003-04502) can become clogged or damaged, making it less effective at capturing fuel vapors, which can lead to reduced fuel efficiency or potentially harmful emissions. Therefore, periodic replacement is essential, and using genuine parts from Toyota helps maintain vehicle compatibility. Not only are these parts designed specifically for your vehicle, but they're also backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. By functioning efficiently, the Canister Us (#SU003-04502) contributes to the overall fuel efficiency of your vehicle and helps maintain the integrity of the environment by reducing harmful emissions.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-04502

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