
About this product

The Cap (#84998-10070), an important part of the Interior Lamp system in the Electrical category, plays a vital role in the safe operation of your Toyota vehicle. This component is responsible for completing the electrical circuit that powers the interior light. Genuine Toyota parts like the Cap (#84998-10070) are known for their compatibility with your vehicle and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. As time goes on, the Cap (#84998-10070) can wear down, break, or become non-functional. If this happens, it can disrupt the flow of electricity to the lamp and possibly other electrical systems in the vehicle. Therefore, it is crucial to replace this part periodically to maintain the correct functioning of the interior lamp. The Cap (#84998-10070) is crucial for maintaining efficient and safe lighting within your car's interior. Its optimal operation contributes to the overall safety, allowing drivers and passengers to properly see and interact with the vehicle's interior controls in low-light conditions.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 84998-10070

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