
About this product

The Cap (#90339-15002), an essential auto part in the Drive-Chassis category, plays a vital role in the Front Spring & Shock Absorber system of your Toyota vehicle. Its primary function is to seal the top of the shock absorber, thereby preventing leakages and dirt from entering the system. When functioning optimally, the Cap (#90339-15002) ensures that the shock absorber can maintain its integrity and efficiency. However, like all parts, the Cap (#90339-15002) is susceptible to wear and tear. Over time, it can become old, broken, or clogged, which can lead to a reduction in its performance. This could expose the shock absorber to external elements, compromising the smooth operation of your vehicle. Therefore, it's advisable to periodically replace the Cap (#90339-15002) in line with Toyota's recommendations. Choosing genuine Toyota parts for replacement ensures vehicle compatibility and is backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. This small but crucial component helps enhance the efficiency and safety of the vehicle's suspension system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 90339-15002

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