Fuel Lid Switch Cap Assembly

About this product

The Fuel Lid Switch Cap Assembly (#77330-48010), a critical component in Toyota's Fuel Tank & Tube system, regulates the opening and closing of the fuel lid. As you activate the switch, it triggers a mechanism that unlocks the fuel lid, allowing for safe refuelling. Conversely, it secures the lid when not in use, preventing fuel leakage and evaporation. With time, this assembly can wear down or break, compromising the vehicle's fuel economy and safety. Failed assemblies can cause fuel leakage, harmful fume emissions, or difficulty in accessing the fuel tank. Therefore, periodic replacement with genuine Toyota parts is recommended. These parts are designed for optimal compatibility with your vehicle and are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. By maintaining the integrity of the fuel system, the Fuel Lid Switch Cap Assembly (#77330-48010) ensures the overall efficiency and safety of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 77330-48010

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