Oil Filler Cap Assembly

About this product

The Oil Filler Cap Assembly (#12180-76011), a key Engine-Fuel component in the Ventilation Hose system, performs a critical function in regulating engine oil levels. This Toyota Autoparts piece allows for the addition of oil into the engine and seals the system to prevent leaks and contamination. Just like other components, the Oil Filler Cap Assembly (#12180-76011) requires periodic replacement. As it ages or gets clogged, oil flow can be restricted, potentially leading to engine damage from insufficient lubrication. Moreover, a non-functional or broken cap can allow contaminants into the system, further exacerbating wear and tear. Choosing genuine Toyota parts, such as this one, aids in maintaining vehicle compatibility while also adding the reassurance of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Conclusively, the Oil Filler Cap Assembly (#12180-76011) significantly contributes to the overall safety and efficiency of the Ventilation Hose system, thereby enhancing the longevity and performance of the engine.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 12180-76010
Part Number 12180-76011

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