Cap Child Anchor

About this product

The Cap Child Anchor (#SU003-01902), a key Body part in the Seat Belt & Child Restraint Seat system, is essential for maintaining the safety of the vehicle's smallest passengers. This part is integral to the operation of the child restraint seat, functioning to secure the seat in place and preventing it from moving during transit. Genuine Toyota Cap Child Anchor (#SU003-01902)s are designed to be fully compatible with your vehicle, and come with the assurance of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The importance of periodic replacement should not be overlooked. As the part ages, it may become worn out or damaged, reducing its ability to effectively anchor a child restraint seat. This could compromise the safety of the child in the event of a sudden stop or collision. By keeping this part in optimal condition, you are contributing to the overall safety of your vehicle's Seat Belt & Child Restraint Seat system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-01902

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