Door Armrest Base Cap

About this product

The Door Armrest Base Cap (#74237-22020-02), a vital part in Toyota's Armrest & Visor system, is designed to protect and secure the base of the armrest. As the name suggests, the cap covers the base of the armrest, contributing to passenger comfort and aesthetics of the vehicle's interior. This part works in coordination with other components ensuring an overall pleasant ride. Like any other part, the Door Armrest Base Cap (#74237-22020-02) may wear out over time or may get damaged and require replacement. Using genuine Toyota parts for replacement is recommended for seamless compatibility with your vehicle. Remember, genuine parts come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Negligence in replacing a worn-out or damaged cap may lead to discomfort and reduced aesthetic appeal. This seemingly simple component greatly contributes to the overall passenger comfort, making the driving or riding experience more enjoyable.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 74237-22020-02

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