Door Outside Handle Cap #3

About this product

The Door Outside Handle Cap #3 (#69229-02011), a crucial part of Toyota's Rear Door Lock & Handle system, provides a protective shield for the door handle assembly. This cap, when functioning efficiently, operates smoothly, aiding in the opening and closing of the vehicle doors while safeguarding the mechanical components from environmental elements. Genuine Toyota auto parts, like the Door Outside Handle Cap #3 (#69229-02011), are designed with precision for compatibility with specific vehicle models. Toyota stands behind its genuine parts with an assertive warranty, providing peace of mind to Toyota owners. As time passes, this cap can wear down, crack, or break, affecting the functionality of the door handle and the integrity of the door lock system. A non-functional cap can expose the door handle mechanism to harmful elements, potentially leading to further damage. By maintaining the Door Outside Handle Cap #3 (#69229-02011) in good condition, the efficiency and safety of the Rear Door Lock & Handle system are preserved, ensuring seamless door operation and secure locking for Toyota owners.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 69229-02010
Part Number 69229-02011

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