Door Trim Retainer Cap

About this product

The Door Trim Retainer Cap (#67772-0C070-E1), a crucial Body part within the Armrest & Visor system, serves a primary role in securing the internal components of the car door and providing a clean, finished look. This cap works seamlessly with the door trim, retaining its position and enhancing vehicle compatibility when genuine Toyota Autoparts are used. If this part becomes worn out, clogged, or broken, it can lead to loosening of the door trim, which can cause rattling or other operational issues. Therefore, periodic replacement is recommended for maintaining the vehicle's aesthetic appeal and functionality. The use of genuine Toyota parts is backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, reflecting the company's commitment to quality. Overall, the Door Trim Retainer Cap (#67772-0C070-E1) plays a significant role in ensuring the efficient operation of the Armrest & Visor system and safety of the vehicle occupants.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 67772-0C070-E1
Color Name Fawn

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