Front Seat Belt Inner Anchor Cap Left Hand

About this product

The Front Seat Belt Inner Anchor Cap Left Hand (#73138-22020-14), a vital component in Toyota's Seat Belt & Child Restraint Seat system, plays a significant role in maintaining the seat belt's functionality and safety. Acting as a protective cover, it safeguards the inner anchoring system where the seat belts are attached, shielding it from potential damage or wear. Genuine Toyota parts, such as this, are always recommended for compatibility and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Periodic replacement of the Front Seat Belt Inner Anchor Cap Left Hand (#73138-22020-14) is critical. If it becomes worn, damaged, or ceases to function, it could compromise the integrity of the seat belt system, potentially leading to a failure in the event of a crash. In conclusion, this small but crucial part contributes significantly to the overall safety of the Seat Belt & Child Restraint Seat system, ensuring that the vehicle's occupants are securely and safely restrained.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 73138-22020-14

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