Cap Lower Cover Crus

About this product

The Cap Lower Cover Crus (#SU003-06423) is a critical component in the Drive-Chassis Steering Wheel system and the Interior Styling Steering Wheel system of your Toyota. Its primary role is to protect the steering mechanism from dust, debris, and other foreign objects while also keeping lubrication in place. Over time, though, wear and tear can compromise its integrity. Should it become old, broken, or non-functional, the steering's smooth operation might be affected, potentially leading to riskier driving conditions. The use of a genuine Cap Lower Cover Crus (#SU003-06423) brings compatibility and assurance with Toyota’s genuine parts warranty. Replacement of this part as needed is key to upholding driving safety and preserving the longevity of the steering mechanism. Its optimal function contributes significantly to the overall efficiency of the system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-06423

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