Seat Armrest Cap #1

About this product

The Seat Armrest Cap #1 (#72848-12010-C0), a vital body part in the Rear Seat & Seat Track system of a Toyota vehicle, plays a crucial role for comfort and aesthetics. This component caps off the end of the rear seat armrest, providing a clean look and a smooth finish to the touch. With time, this cap can wear out or even break, affecting the overall appearance and feel of the vehicle's interior. Choosing genuine Toyota parts for replacement, like the Seat Armrest Cap #1 (#72848-12010-C0), ensures vehicle compatibility and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Without periodic replacement, a damaged or old Seat Armrest Cap #1 (#72848-12010-C0) can cause discomfort or even minor injuries due to exposed sharp edges. Ultimately, a well-maintained Seat Armrest Cap #1 (#72848-12010-C0) contributes greatly to the passenger's comfort, enhancing the overall ride experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 72848-12010-C0
Color Name Black

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