Seat Belt Anchor Cover Cap

About this product

The Seat Belt Anchor Cover Cap (#73178-60030-A1), a critical component in the Seat & Seat Track system of Toyota vehicles, provides a protective layer over the seat belt anchor. This part shields the anchor from wear and tear, thereby enhancing the longevity of the seat belt system. This cover cap, when old or broken, can expose the anchor to damaging environmental factors and reduce its durability. Therefore, periodic replacement of the Seat Belt Anchor Cover Cap (#73178-60030-A1) with genuine Toyota parts is necessary to maintain compatibility with the vehicle and is supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In terms of safety and effectiveness, the Seat Belt Anchor Cover Cap (#73178-60030-A1) plays a pivotal role. By protecting the seat belt anchor, it ensures the seat belt system functions optimally, thereby contributing to the overall safety of the passengers in the vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 73178-60030-A1
Color Name Shell

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