Reserve Tank Cap Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Reserve Tank Cap Sub-Assembly (#16405-77010), a pivotal electrical component of the FCV Cooling system, primarily regulates the coolant's pressure. It functions by releasing excess coolant into the reserve tank when the system pressure rises above a certain threshold. This auto part is essential as it protects the system from damage due to excessive pressure. Genuine parts like this one are critical for vehicle compatibility and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, a Reserve Tank Cap Sub-Assembly (#16405-77010) may become old, clogged or broken. If this occurs, the system's pressure regulation could fail, causing potential damage to the system or impeding vehicle performance. Constantly maintaining and periodically replacing this part enhances the overall efficiency and safety of the FCV Cooling system, ultimately supporting the vehicle's operation.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 16405-77010

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