Washer Cap

About this product

The Washer Cap (#85316-WB001), an essential electrical part within the Windshield Washer system, plays a pivotal role in maintaining the cleanliness and visibility of the vehicle's windshield. It operates by securing and covering the washer fluid reservoir, thereby ensuring the fluid is protected from potential contamination. A genuine Toyota Washer Cap (#85316-WB001) offers ideal compatibility with your vehicle, endorsed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. However, over time, this component may become worn, clogged, or damaged, necessitating periodic replacement. A malfunctioning Washer Cap (#85316-WB001) could lead to leaks or contamination of the washer fluid, negatively affecting the Windshield Washer system's efficiency. In conclusion, the Washer Cap (#85316-WB001) is not just a piece of equipment, but an integral part of the vehicle's safety mechanism, serving to enhance visibility and thereby contributing to the safe operation of the vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 85316-WB001

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