Washer Cap

About this product

The Washer Cap (#85332-90A00), an electrical part in the Headlamp Cleaner system, plays a crucial role in maintaining optimal light output from your Toyota vehicle's headlights. This part works by covering and protecting the washer that cleans the headlight lens, enabling clearer visibility during operation. As with any auto part, the Washer Cap (#85332-90A00) can become old, break, or become clogged over time. When this happens, the washer may not function correctly, leading to reduced efficiency in the headlamp cleaning process. This leads to a decrease in visibility, which can significantly impact the safety of your vehicle. Using genuine Toyota parts, such as the Washer Cap (#85332-90A00), not only ensures compatibility with your vehicle, but also comes with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Regular replacement of this vital part contributes to the overall safety and performance of your vehicle's Headlamp Cleaner system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 85332-90A00

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