Rear Seat Back Board Carpet Assembly

About this product

The Rear Seat Back Board Carpet Assembly (#71880-0E030-C0), a crucial component in the Rear Seat & Seat Track system, primarily serves as a protective layer for the seat back board. It prevents wear and tear, reducing friction which could otherwise lead to deterioration of the seat structure. This assembly is specifically designed for compatibility with your vehicle when using Toyota’s genuine parts. If left unchecked and aged, a worn out Rear Seat Back Board Carpet Assembly (#71880-0E030-C0) could result in uncomfortable seating or exposed sharp edges, compromising passenger safety. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically replace this part. Toyota's genuine parts are backed by a warranty, offering more than just protection but also peace of mind. The Rear Seat Back Board Carpet Assembly (#71880-0E030-C0) contributes significantly to both the comfort and safety of passengers, making it indispensable to the overall efficiency of the seating system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 71880-0E030-C0
Color Name Black

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