Box Bottom Carpet

About this product

The Box Bottom Carpet (#58916-47010-B1), a crucial part of the Console Box & Bracket system in Toyota vehicles, serves a primary role in protecting the box bottom from wear and tear. It’s designed to easily fit into Toyota vehicles, providing a snug and secure fit that generic parts might lack. This carpet is also supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, implying its robust quality and reliability. Like all parts, the Box Bottom Carpet (#58916-47010-B1) is subject to continuous use and will eventually wear out, making its replacement necessary. If it becomes old or damaged, it may fail to adequately protect the console box, leading to potential damage. This genuine Toyota part not only enhances the lifespan of the console box but also contributes to the overall performance and safety of the system it’s part of. By safeguarding the console box, the Box Bottom Carpet (#58916-47010-B1) maintains the integrity of the system, ensuring its efficient operation.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 58916-47010-B1
Color Name Md.Gray

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