Rear Seat Cushion Carpet

About this product

The Rear Seat Cushion Carpet (#71887-60060-B0), a crucial part of the Seat & Seat Track system in Toyota vehicles, is designed to provide comfort and durability. It functions to protect the underlying seat cushion and enhance the overall interior aesthetics of the vehicle. This Body part is typically made from robust and resilient materials, able to withstand daily wear and tear. Over time, however, the Rear Seat Cushion Carpet (#71887-60060-B0) may become worn or damaged and would need replacement. An old or broken Rear Seat Cushion Carpet (#71887-60060-B0) could compromise the comfort and appearance of your vehicle’s interior. Genuine Toyota parts are pivotal for vehicle compatibility, offering precise fit and superior performance. Additionally, these authentic parts come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty, reinforcing the brand's commitment to quality and reliability. A well-maintained Rear Seat Cushion Carpet (#71887-60060-B0) contributes to the overall efficiency and aesthetic appeal of your vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 71887-60060-B0

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