Battery Carrier #1

About this product

The Battery Carrier #1 (#74411-42021), a critical body part in the Battery Carrier #1 (#74411-42021) system for Toyota vehicles, plays a pivotal role in securely holding and protecting the car's battery. The carrier ensures the battery remains stationary, preventing potential damage caused by the vehicle's movement. It is integral to the battery's functionality and ultimately contributes to the car's overall performance. As a genuine Toyota part, it is specifically designed for compatibility with Toyota vehicles and supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, battery carriers can wear out or break, causing the battery to move or even disconnect. This can result in vehicle power issues and even complete vehicle failure. Replacing an old or damaged battery carrier is not just crucial for vehicle operation, but also for safety. By stabilizing the battery, a well-functioning battery carrier significantly enhances the system's efficiency and reliability.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 74411-42020
Part Number 74411-42021

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