Jack Carrier Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Jack Carrier Sub-Assembly (#58709-60080) is a pivotal component in Toyota's Side Member system. Its primary role is to securely hold and transport the vehicle's jack, ensuring it remains in place and undamaged during vehicle operation. The Jack Carrier Sub-Assembly (#58709-60080) is made up of a sturdy carrier, mounting brackets, and hardware, providing a stable, secure location for the jack. Like all auto parts, the Jack Carrier Sub-Assembly (#58709-60080) is subject to wear and tear. If it becomes old or broken, the jack may become loose, causing noise, potential damage, and safety hazards. Therefore, periodic replacement with authentic Toyota parts is crucial for optimal compatibility. These genuine parts are also supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In essence, the Jack Carrier Sub-Assembly (#58709-60080) enhances the Side Member system's overall safety and efficiency by providing safe and secure jack storage.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 58709-60080

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