Jack Carrier Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Jack Carrier Sub-Assembly (#58709-60010), a crucial part in the Tool Box & License Plate Bracket system of Toyota vehicles, primarily serves as a secure housing for the vehicle's jack. This ensures that the jack is properly stowed and easily accessible when required. The Carrier Sub-Assembly is made up of various components working together to provide stability, prevent damage, and allow easy access. Over time, the Jack Carrier Sub-Assembly (#58709-60010) may wear out or break, causing the jack to move around or become difficult to reach. This could delay roadside repairs or even lead to potential damage. Therefore, periodic replacement with genuine Toyota parts, which are known for their vehicle compatibility, is highly recommended. These parts are also backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, providing added peace of mind. Lastly, a well-functioning Jack Carrier Sub-Assembly (#58709-60010) contributes to the overall safety and efficiency of the system, keeping the jack securely in place during vehicle operation and ensuring easy access when necessary.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 58709-90K01;58709-90K02
Part Number 58709-60010

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