Case Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Case Sub-Assembly (#83132-17290) is a crucial part in the electrical meter system of a Toyota vehicle. This assembly helps in the proper functioning of the meter system by housing and protecting the internal electrical components from damage and interference. As a genuine Toyota product, the Case Sub-Assembly (#83132-17290) is built to fit and function seamlessly within your vehicle, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The necessity of periodic replacement of the Case Sub-Assembly (#83132-17290) becomes evident when it ages, becomes clogged or broken, leading to an inaccurate meter reading or system malfunction. A non-functional Case Sub-Assembly (#83132-17290) could disrupt the reliability and safety of the vehicle's meter system, leading to potential mishaps. Thus, the Case Sub-Assembly (#83132-17290)'s maintenance is crucial in maintaining the overall efficiency and safety of the meter system. Genuine Toyota parts ensure the best compatibility and performance for your vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 83132-17290

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