Chain Sub-Assembly #2

The Chain Sub-Assembly #2 (#13507F0030), categorized under Engine-Fuel/Engine Oil Pump systems, plays a crucial role in driving the delivery of fuel and the circulation of engine oil. Toyota's genuine Chain Sub-Assembly #2 (#13507F0030), designed for perfect compatibility with your vehicle, is synchronized with the engine crankshaft, driving the fuel pump to deliver fuel and the oil pump to circulate oil. Over time, this part may wear down, break, or get clogged, leading to inefficient fuel delivery, poor lubrication, or even engine failure. Therefore, periodic replacement is critical to ensure optimal vehicle performance. With Toyota's genuine parts warranty, quality and longevity of the Chain Sub-Assembly #2 (#13507F0030) are affirmed. The Chain Sub-Assembly #2 (#13507F0030) contributes to the system's overall efficiency by ensuring smooth fuel delivery and oil circulation, thereby promoting engine longevity and overall vehicle safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 13507-F0030

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