Chamber Fuel Pump

About this product

The Chamber Fuel Pump (#SU003-04153) is a critical body part in the Fuel Tank & Tube system in your Toyota vehicle. Its primary role is to direct and regulate the flow of fuel from the tank to the engine, facilitating combustion and propelling your vehicle. The pump works in unison with other components such as the fuel filter, injectors, and the control module. However, like all mechanical parts, the Chamber Fuel Pump (#SU003-04153) wears out over time, leading to reduced fuel efficiency, poor engine performance, or even a complete breakdown. Using genuine Toyota parts helps maintain vehicle compatibility and performance. These parts are also backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. When functioning optimally, the Chamber Fuel Pump (#SU003-04153) promotes efficient fuel use, contributing to your vehicle's overall performance and safety. Regular replacement of this part is therefore crucial to keep your vehicle running smoothly and safely.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-04153

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