Electric Vehicle Charger Assembly

About this product

The Electric Vehicle Charger Assembly (#G9090-47040) is a vital component within Toyota's Battery & Battery Cable system. This electrical part's primary role involves managing the flow of electricity from a power source to the vehicle's battery, thereby ensuring smooth and efficient charging. Key components in its functioning include the charger plug, power control module, and the charging cable. Over time, electrical parts may wear out, causing inefficient charging or potential damage to the vehicle's battery. Therefore, it's essential to replace the Charger Assembly periodically with genuine Toyota parts to maintain compatibility and performance. Remember, genuine parts are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Electric Vehicle Charger Assembly (#G9090-47040) contributes significantly to the overall efficiency of the vehicle, allowing for reliable battery charging, ensuring the vehicle is always ready for use, and enhancing the overall safety of the car.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number G9090-47040

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