Electric Vehicle Charger Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Electric Vehicle Charger Sub-Assembly (#G9099-47010), a crucial component in the Battery & Battery Cable system, is responsible for recharging the battery of electric vehicles. It functions by converting the AC power from the grid into DC power, which the vehicle's battery can store. This process involves several components, including a rectifier, inverter, and control unit. As this part handles high amounts of energy, wear and tear over time can lead to decreased efficiency or potential failure, leading to longer charging times or even the inability to charge the battery. With a genuine Toyota Electric Vehicle Charger Sub-Assembly (#G9099-47010), compatibility with your vehicle is optimal, and it's backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Regular replacement of this part not only extends the life of your battery but also contributes to the overall efficiency and safety of your vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number G9099-47010

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