Cir Clip

About this product

The Cir Clip (#SU003-10059), a crucial Drive-Chassis part in the Rear Axle Shaft & Hub system of a Toyota vehicle, performs a vital job. This small, C-shaped component secures other parts in place within the axle assembly, maintaining alignment and reducing the risk of dislocation during operation. It works hand-in-hand with key components like wheel hubs and rear axle shafts. Over time, however, the Cir Clip (#SU003-10059) may weaken or break, causing parts to shift and potentially leading to mechanical failures or safety issues. As such, the importance of periodic replacement cannot be overstated. Using genuine Toyota parts not only supports vehicle compatibility but also comes with the reassurance of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. A properly functioning Cir Clip (#SU003-10059) contributes to the overall efficiency and safety of the vehicle, making it a critical part of the drive-chassis system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-10059

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