Clamp 10-10-10

About this product

The Clamp 10-10-10 (#SU003-01034), a vital component in the Fuel Tank & Tube system, plays a key role in maintaining the operational integrity of Toyota vehicles. As a body part, it assists in securing the fuel lines, promoting the smooth and efficient flow of fuel from the tank to the engine. Genuine Toyota Autoparts, such as this clamp, offer optimal vehicle compatibility, enhancing the overall performance of the system. Over time, clamps can degrade, loosen, or even break, disrupting the secure fitting of the fuel lines. This may lead to fuel leaks and compromise the vehicle's safety. Therefore, periodic replacement of the Clamp 10-10-10 (#SU003-01034) is critical. Genuine Toyota parts are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, offering peace of mind in terms of quality and durability. In conclusion, the Clamp 10-10-10 (#SU003-01034) is integral to the safety and efficiency of your vehicle's fuel system, ensuring an uninterrupted and secure fuel flow.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-01034

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