
About this product

The Clamp (#87124-08060), a vital component in the Heating & Air Conditioning - Cooler Unit system, serves a primary function of securely fastening electrical connections within the system. As the system operates, the Clamp (#87124-08060) provides stable attachments to ensure steady electrical flow and minimize vibration-induced disconnections. If the Clamp (#87124-08060) becomes worn or damaged, it may fail to hold the connections tightly, leading to potential electrical disruptions. This could compromise the efficiency and safety of the Cooler Unit system. Regular replacement of the Clamp (#87124-08060) is critical to maintain optimal operation. Toyota's genuine parts, such as this Clamp (#87124-08060), are optimized for compatibility with your vehicle. Additionally, they come with the assurance of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, the Clamp (#87124-08060) plays a crucial role in maintaining the efficiency of the Cooler Unit system by facilitating uninterrupted electrical connections.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 87124-08060

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