Actuator Harness Clamp Left Hand

About this product

The Actuator Harness Clamp Left Hand (#48596-62010), a vital Drive-Chassis part in the Parking Brake & Cable system, plays a crucial role in securing the actuator harness. This Toyota Autoparts item ensures the harness remains immovable, reducing vibration and friction, which in turn maintains the integrity of the wiring within the harness. Due to its function, this auto component is subject to wear and tear. A worn-out Actuator Harness Clamp Left Hand (#48596-62010) may cause the harness to move excessively leading to potential wiring damage, and subsequently, parking brake failure. Therefore, timely replacement of this part is pivotal to the parking brake system's optimal operation. Genuine parts from Toyota Autoparts help with vehicle compatibility and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In essence, the Actuator Harness Clamp Left Hand (#48596-62010)'s role greatly contributes to your vehicle's safety by maintaining the effectiveness of the parking brake system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 48596-62010

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