Clamp B

About this product

The Clamp B (#SU003-09526) is a crucial component in the Fuel Tank & Tube system of a Toyota vehicle. This Body part is vital for securing the fuel lines and providing a leak-free connection. It achieves this by applying just enough pressure to hold the lines in place without causing damage. As the vehicle operates, Clamp B (#SU003-09526) must withstand vibration, temperature fluctuations, and fuel exposure. Over time, this can lead to wear or damage, possibly resulting in fuel leakage. Regular replacement of a genuine Toyota Clamp B (#SU003-09526) is crucial for ongoing vehicle compatibility and safety. Using genuine parts, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, is the best way to maintain your vehicle's performance. A failed clamp could compromise the Fuel Tank & Tube system's integrity, leading to potential safety hazards. In conclusion, the Clamp B (#SU003-09526)'s role in maintaining a secure and efficient fuel system is invaluable.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-09526

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