Cooler Clamp #1

About this product

The Toyota Cooler Clamp #1 (#88569-48300), an essential part in the Heating & Air Conditioning - Cooler Piping system, plays a pivotal role by securing the hose connections within the system. In operation, it ensures the smooth and efficient flow of coolant by maintaining an unyielding seal around the hoses, preventing any leaks. However, with time, the Cooler Clamp #1 (#88569-48300) can wear out, which could lead to coolant leaks, resulting in the system's inability to properly regulate the vehicle's temperature. Genuine Toyota parts are highly recommended for compatibility with your vehicle, and the Cooler Clamp #1 (#88569-48300) is no exception. These original parts are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Old or defective Cooler Clamp #1 (#88569-48300)s could lead to overheating, decreased performance, and even engine damage. Therefore, it is vital to periodically replace this part, thereby enhancing the safety and efficiency of the whole system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 8856948300

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