Clamp Cover

About this product

The Clamp Cover (#SU003-01042), a vital component in the Fuel Tank & Tube system, plays a crucial role in securing and protecting the connections within the system. As part of Toyota Autoparts, it is designed for compatibility with your Toyota vehicle. This genuine part is backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In operation, the Clamp Cover (#SU003-01042) helps to maintain the integrity of the fuel tank and tube system, preventing leaks and ensuring optimal performance. Over time, the Clamp Cover (#SU003-01042) may wear down, and if it becomes old, broken, or non-functional, this can lead to fuel leakage, compromising the efficiency of the system and posing potential safety risks. Therefore, regular replacement of the Clamp Cover (#SU003-01042) is highly advised. A well-functioning Clamp Cover (#SU003-01042) contributes to the overall efficiency and safety of your vehicle's fuel system, essential for smooth and safe driving. Getting genuine Toyota Clamp Cover (#SU003-01042)s will assure optimal performance and longevity.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-01042

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