Door Scuff Plate Clamp #1

About this product

The Door Scuff Plate Clamp #1 (#67923-14010), an essential part of Toyota's Mat & Carpet system, plays a crucial role in keeping the door scuff plate securely in place. This body part functions to protect the vehicle's interior from dirt, mud, and other potential damages by holding the scuff plate that shields the door sill area. Over time, this auto part might become loose or worn out, which could affect the secure mounting of the door scuff plate. When this occurs, it is vital to replace the clamp with a genuine Toyota part to maintain vehicle compatibility and take advantage of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Replacing the door scuff plate clamp not only improves the vehicle's interior appearance but also promotes the overall efficiency of the Mat & Carpet system. It upholds the cleanliness and integrity of the vehicle's interior, ensuring a safer, more comfortable driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 67923-14010

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