Clamp Duct

About this product

The Clamp Duct (#SU003-09559) is a crucial Engine-Fuel part sitting in the Air Cleaner system of your Toyota vehicle. The primary role of this auto part is to tightly secure the air ducts, providing a sealed passage for the air entering the engine. It ensures the air delivered to the engine is clean and devoid of contaminants that could harm the engine. With time, the Clamp Duct (#SU003-09559) may deteriorate, lose its gripping strength or even break. This could lead to air leakage or entry of unwanted debris into the engine, affecting its overall performance and safety. Thus, periodic replacement of the Clamp Duct (#SU003-09559) is highly recommended. By using genuine Toyota parts, compatibility with your vehicle is better, and they come backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Ultimately, the Clamp Duct (#SU003-09559) contributes significantly to the overall efficiency of your vehicle's engine and its smooth and safe operation.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-09559

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