Fuel Tube Clamp #1

About this product

The Fuel Tube Clamp #1 (#77285-0R030), an essential component in the Fuel Injection System of Toyota engine-fuel parts, plays a crucial role in maintaining the secure connection of fuel lines. This clamp prevents the tube from slipping off, providing a steady flow of fuel for the engine. Like all other components, it is subjected to wear and tear, necessitating periodic replacement. An old or broken Fuel Tube Clamp #1 (#77285-0R030) could lead to leakage, affecting the engine's performance and safety. Remember, using genuine Toyota parts ensures compatibility with your vehicle and is covered by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. A closely related part to consider is the fuel tube itself, which the clamp secures. In conclusion, a functional Fuel Tube Clamp #1 (#77285-0R030) contributes significantly to the efficiency and safety of your vehicle's fuel injection system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 23847-28010
Part Number 77285-0R030

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