Headlamp Cleaner Clamp

About this product

The Headlamp Cleaner Clamp (#85272-28030), an electrical part of the Headlamp Cleaner system, plays a pivotal role in ensuring optimal performance of your Toyota's headlights. This component is responsible for securely fastening the headlamp cleaner, allowing it to function without interruption. In its operational state, the clamp holds together the cleaner system, ensuring the proper flow of electricity. As with all components, the Headlamp Cleaner Clamp (#85272-28030) can wear out over time. If it becomes old, clogged, or broken, it can lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of your headlamps, potentially compromising visibility in low-light conditions. Utilizing genuine Toyota parts like the Headlamp Cleaner Clamp (#85272-28030) not only supports vehicle compatibility but also comes backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Moreover, the Headlamp Cleaner Clamp (#85272-28030) contributes significantly to the overall safety of your vehicle by enabling your headlights to function properly. Replacing this part when needed is crucial for maintaining your vehicle's performance and ensuring a safe driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 85272-28030

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