Clamp Hose D38.5

About this product

The Clamp Hose D38.5 (#SU003-02996) is a critical component in the Radiator & Water Outlet system in Toyota vehicles. As a Engine-Fuel part, it primarily functions to secure the coolant hose in place, ensuring a leak-proof and secure connection for the efficient circulation of coolant. This circulation is vital for the engine's temperature regulation. Genuine Toyota parts, like the Clamp Hose D38.5 (#SU003-02996), offer compatibility and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, a worn-out or broken Clamp Hose could result in coolant leaks, leading to engine overheating, which could potentially cause severe engine damage. The Clamp Hose D38.5 (#SU003-02996) contributes to the overall system efficiency and safety by maintaining a secure connection, preventing leaks, and supporting optimal engine performance. Regular inspection and replacement are paramount for maintaining the integrity of your Toyota's engine cooling system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-02996

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