Battery Clamp Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Battery Clamp Sub-Assembly (#74404-14310) is a crucial component in the Battery Carrier system of your Toyota vehicle. It holds the battery in place, preventing it from moving or vibrating, which can lead to issues like loose connections or battery damage. For optimal compatibility with your car, Toyota recommends using genuine parts like this Battery Clamp Sub-Assembly (#74404-14310). Over time, this component may wear out or become damaged due to factors such as corrosion, vibration, or improper installation. If it becomes non-functional, the battery may shift, potentially damaging the battery or other parts and compromising the safety of your vehicle. Toyota backs this genuine part with a warranty, offering peace of mind to vehicle owners. By securing the battery and contributing to the longevity of the Battery Carrier system, the Battery Clamp Sub-Assembly (#74404-14310) enhances the overall efficiency and safety of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 74404-14310

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