Washer Clamp A

About this product

The Washer Clamp A (#85387-04101) is a vital electrical part in the Windshield Washer System of your Toyota vehicle. This auto part is paramount in holding and securing the washer tubing to the pump. When the windshield washer system is in operation, the Washer Clamp A (#85387-04101) ensures the tube stays connected, enabling the fluid to flow seamlessly from the reservoir to the nozzles. Over time, the clamp may lose its effectiveness due to wear and tear. If the Washer Clamp A (#85387-04101) gets old, broken, or non-functional, the washer fluid may leak, preventing the fluid from reaching the windshield, thereby impairing visibility. By using genuine Toyota parts, like the Washer Clamp A (#85387-04101), not only is the compatibility with your vehicle assured, but it also falls under Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Overall, this part is key to maintaining the efficiency and safety of your vehicle's windshield washer system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 85387-04101

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