Washer Clamp B

About this product

The Toyota Washer Clamp B (#85388-12A70), an essential component in the Windshield Washer system, is responsible for securing and maintaining the wiring connections within the system. This electrical part works in harmony with the vehicle's washer pump, hoses, nozzles, and controls to provide a seamless operation. Over time, the clamp may wear out or get damaged, impairing the electrical connectivity. This could potentially lead to unpredictable windshield cleaning performance or even complete failure of the washer system. Trusting in genuine Toyota parts not only ensures compatibility with your vehicle but also offers peace of mind with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Optimal functioning of the Washer Clamp B (#85388-12A70) contributes significantly to the reliability and safety of the Windshield Washer system, making it a crucial maintenance consideration. By replacing it periodically, you maintain the efficiency of your washer system, promoting clear visibility and safe driving.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 85388-12A70

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