Transfer Shift Rod Clevis

About this product

The Transfer Shift Rod Clevis (#36338-60030), a fundamental Drive-Chassis part within the Transfer Lever & Shift Rod system, plays a pivotal role in the proper functioning of your Toyota vehicle. Specifically, it connects the transfer shift rod to the shift lever, which controls the transition between different gears. The usage of genuine Toyota parts like this one is recommended for seamless compatibility with your vehicle. Notably, all genuine parts are supported by Toyota's authentic parts warranty. Over time, the Transfer Shift Rod Clevis (#36338-60030) may wear out, become clogged, or ultimately fail. This can lead to difficulties in shifting gears, potentially compromising the safety and efficiency of your vehicle. It's crucial, therefore, to regularly inspect and replace this part as required to maintain optimal vehicle performance. In conclusion, the Transfer Shift Rod Clevis (#36338-60030) is an integral part that contributes significantly to the overall performance and safety of your vehicle's gear shifting system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 36338-60030

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