
About this product

The Clip (#9046705020P1), a key component in Toyota's Electrical/Heating & Air Conditioning - Control & Air Duct system, plays a vital role in maintaining the efficient operation of the system. This reliable and resilient part secures and holds ductwork and wires in place, enabling smooth air and electrical flow. Genuine Toyota Clip (#9046705020P1)s, specifically engineered for compatibility with your vehicle, offer secure and stable performance. Toyota supports its genuine parts with a robust warranty. Over time, Clip (#9046705020P1)s may wear out or break, potentially causing system inefficiency or even failure due to misaligned ductwork or loose wires. It is therefore important to periodically replace Clip (#9046705020P1)s to maintain optimal system functionality. By ensuring a secure and stable connection within the system, the Clip (#9046705020P1) significantly contributes to the overall efficiency and safety of your Toyota vehicle, demonstrating the importance of this seemingly small part.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 67750-26350-B0;67750-26350-B1;67750-26380-B0;67750-26380-B1;67750-26470-B0;90467-05020-03;90467-05020-B0;90467-05020-B2;90467-05020-B8;90467-05020-G1;90467-05020-P4;90467-05020-E8 More
Part Number 9046705020P1

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