
About this product

The Toyota Clip (#90467-07080-C0), a fundamental component in the Body Mat & Carpet system and the Body Rear Seat & Seat Track system, plays an essential role in securing and maintaining the proper positioning of various elements within these intricate structures. This inconspicuous auto part functions by tightly gripping onto parts, preventing undesirable rattling or shifting while the vehicle is in motion. However, due to the rigors of consistent usage, clips can become worn or even break over time. This can result in loose components, causing potential discomfort, noise, or even safety concerns. Therefore, periodic replacement of the Clip (#90467-07080-C0) with genuine Toyota parts, which are designed for vehicle compatibility and backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, is recommended. The Clip (#90467-07080-C0)'s contribution to the overall efficiency and safety of the vehicle shouldn't be underestimated. By keeping integral components in place, the Clip (#90467-07080-C0) helps facilitate an undisturbed, safe, and comfortable driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 90467-07080-B5
Part Number 90467-07080-C0
Color Name Black

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