
About this product

The Clip (#90467-07121-B2), an essential Toyota Autoparts component, functions optimally within the Body Back Door Panel & Glass system and the Body Floor Mat & Silencer Pad system. Primarily, the Clip (#90467-07121-B2) secures various parts in these systems, promoting their stable operation. Importantly, it fastens the back door panel and the floor mat to maintain their appropriate positioning. The Clip (#90467-07121-B2) necessitates periodic replacement, as an aged or broken Clip (#90467-07121-B2) may fail to secure the parts effectively. This could lead to rattling or loose parts, compromising the vehicle's safety. Replacement with genuine Toyota Clip (#90467-07121-B2)s ensures compatibility with your vehicle and is supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, the Clip (#90467-07121-B2) plays a key role in maintaining the overall system efficiency and safety, keeping the car parts securely in place to enable flawless operation.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 90467-07121-B2
Color Name Shadow Gray

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