
About this product

The Clip (#90467-07166), a crucial auto part in the Body Hood & Front Fender, Body Suspension Crossmember & Under Cover, and Electrical Heating & Air Conditioning - Control & Air Duct systems, serves as a fastening device. Its primary function is to secure components and wiring, preventing them from moving or detaching during operation. It holds together parts that may otherwise become loose or dislodged, contributing to system stability. Over time, the Clip (#90467-07166) can become worn out or broken, potentially leading to parts coming loose which could adversely affect system efficiency or safety. Therefore, periodic replacement of the Clip (#90467-07166) is essential. Genuine Toyota Clip (#90467-07166)s are recommended due to their precise fit and compatibility with your vehicle. Additionally, they are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Ultimately, by securing components and wiring, the Clip (#90467-07166) enhances both the safety and efficiency of the systems in which it is installed.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 55713-12080;55713-12090;55714-12080;55714-12090
Part Number 90467-07166

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